
Another Way To Play The Piano

Virginia Beach, Virginia musician, David Arn, has been awarded three film festival awards for three different music videos that he’s created from the three different albums he’s released so far in his musical career. His music has been featured on NPR and the BBC, and one of his songs was actually featured on Delta airlines music on their commercial flights.

David’s grandfather played piano professionally and he said it seemed like there was always a piano in their house when he was growing up. “I was the oldest in the family, and I think the regiment was that I had to take piano lessons,” he laughed. “I was taking piano lessons very early too – classical piano.” His lessons lasted almost eight years until; “one day I turned on the radio and heard Elton John and Little Richard, and I said, ‘Oh! There’s another way to play this piano,” he quipped. “That’s when I stopped taking classical piano lessons, right then.”

All the way through high school and college David played in different bands, but at some point, in his early adult life, music took a back seat until about nine years ago. “I just really got back into it, and put together an album. It was really just meant for friends, but on a whim, I sent a copy to a radio DJ personality in Richmond, VA. One day he sent me an email and said, ‘you’re in the mix tonight.’ I remember my wife and I that night huddled around the radio waiting for my song to come on – and when it did, it was such a rush,” David recalled. “That’s really how it all got started for me. And then through some quirk of fate, I got a song from that first album, “Andrea,” picked up by Delta airlines. That really inspired me to keep going and keep getting better at it.”

His latest album, Traveler Tales, was released in September 2020. It’s pure Americana with an underpinning of folk and soft rock tones. The songs display deep lyrical content as well, that’s so prevalent throughout all of David’s music. Each of the 14 songs tells a unique story from 14 different traveler’s perspectives.

Visit David’s page here! Listen to the full interview here!