Shayne Cook has spent most of his musical career playing in other people’s bands. He decided it was time, though, his own project. His debut LP, Epiphonetics, introduces us to an impressive nine song collection of original material. When speaking about the songs on his record, Shayne said, “The music is a look on how our take on the world comes from our path – the way that we interact with the world and how it shapes us.”
Melbourne, Australia is home base for this Brisbane born singer-songwriter. “Music has always been a part of my life, but I guess it just took me a long time to get to this point,” he said. “I’ve been predominately a guitarist in other people’s bands until now. I was a bit of a late bloomer getting into the writing and singing side. I took the voice on as another instrument. I suppose it’s always been in me to do this, but I also went down the path of getting the real job until it just burned me not to do it,” he recalled. “A couple years ago I left my job, and here I am.”
Shayne said his mother tells him that he’s always been “a songer,” as he calls it. However he didn’t pick up the guitar until he was 16. “When I did pick it up, I never put it down,” he said. “When I finally stepped away from the day job, it was to step into a solo career. The late bloomer aspect for me is that I really wanted to pursue a career as a writer and singer of my own songs,” he said.
While talking about one of the tracks, “City Fire Lights,” from the album, Shayne said, “I always felt music was my calling and time felt it was slipping away … Turns out there is no such thing as the right time, and you can spend all your time waiting for the right time.”
Shayne also owns a recording studio in Brisbane, Australia where he does production work for other artists as well.
Visit Shayne’s page here! Listen to the full interview here!